"Everlasting Joy" is a comedy with six hard working neighbors, joys of love, sufferings of war, a broken washing-machine and Baruch (Benedetto) Spinoza, a 17-th Century Jewish-Dutch philosopher who lived in the outskirts of Amsterdam and now dwells in a working-class suburb of Tel-Aviv. Spinoza and his neighbours are looking for the secret of Man's Everlasting Joy. Will they find it?
Script & Direction: Igal Bursztyn
Production: Haim Sharir
With: Ariel Zilber as Baruch Spinoza, Yael Almog as Clara Marie Van Den Enden, Ibrahim Abu-Jummah, Bilal Abu-Satilah, Yigal Adika, Shira Ferber, Liat Goren, Raanan Hefetz , Noam Meiri, Alon Neuman, Alex Peleg, Yair (Koia) Rubin, Dani Shteg, Ofra Weingarten – as neighbours, friends and enemies.
Cinematography: Jorge Gurvitz;
Editing: Era Lapid;
Art: Ariel Schweitzer
Music: Domenico Scarlatti
Cembalo: Miri Singer
35 mm, color, 92 min., 1996